Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Every Step I Take...

As mentioned in my profile I listen and watch my grand kids to learn. What can a 2 and 5 year old teach an old dog like me? A lot I have come to see.

They have been helping to remember things I knew as a kid, but somehow had detached from as I grew up. They hold a grudge or an ill feeling toward others for 15 to 30 seconds. I did once measure a 45 second event! But that is certainly quicker than most adults "let things go" isn't it.

I have been retaught that cookies are for bedtime, not breakfast.

I have remembered to say "I love you" and give out hugs to everyone in sight before bed.

It has been reiterated that "bless you, thank you, please and excuse me" are not to be said or taken lightly.

It is great to let your eyes get bigger as you talk about something that excites YOU.

They sit and listen pretty intently when I share a story from my day, I really need to brush up on that courtesy to others some days.

And the biggest thing they teach me every single day is that it is good for you to snuggle up with somebody you love, just because....

All in all they don't mind teaching the old dog how to be a little more childlike each day. I must be a good student as I haven't yet had to stand in the corner or go to "time out", at least not so far.

My blood pressure has dropped, my general health has improved, my attitude each day gets lighter and my perspective of my life gets brighter because I have the fortune of great teachers who are patient and truly love me.

This are the reasons that I watch and listen to a 5 and 2 year old to learn what I know is right....bless the children....

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