Friday, November 6, 2009

You Are A Gift!

You are a Gift! So many of us forget that we, in and of ourselves, are a gift. We get all wrapped up in day to day routine that we become no more than the routines we perform. We begin to identify with the needs of our jobs, our families and our friends. We lose ourselves, in a way, in the perception others have of us. Our original thoughts, plans, desires, joys, and dreams fade away as we let others influence us. We forget that we are a wonderful being just the way we are. We become what others are comfortable with us being. The is a bit of daring in the statement: Be true to yourself. The tough part is remaining who you are and allowing others to accept you as you are. The nature of your spirit is to be a healer, helper, angelic and compassionate. The part we forget is to do this on our own, in our own way, on our own schedule. When we give up control, others begin to expect things instead of appreciating our individuality. To leave our mark, so to speak,we need to remember that each of us is a gift. A gift full of talents,dreams, abilities, compassion, love and so much more. We don't need to be modified, altered, refurbished, remolded or anything of the sort. We all came here to enjoy the beauty of each other. Our mission was not to "fix" everyone else. They,like you, have things to work on and to work with. That makes you and everyone else a gift to the other.Your diversity in ways,beliefs, styles and ideas are what make this a wonderful place to be. Celebrate you! Share you! Let everyone see the true you! You are a gift! One way to look at this is if everyone brought the same thing to a potluck dinner it would not be a very exciting event at all. Why would you bring the exact same things to life that others brought? Bring you! Bring a GIFT! Remember who YOU really are!

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